Android Tinkering

11th May 2009 @ 1:48 pm
I got an Android dev phone. Geeks talk.

I've heard it said that this would be the best phone in the world if it wasn't for the iPhone*. I can believe it. So this is the second best phone in the world, and you write software for it using Java and (optionally) Eclipse. I know Java and I use Eclipse all the time for writing Flash apps, so this is a tempting prospect: world class hardware, easy to use software. Let's go!

* We can debate what it means to be the best phone in the world at the moment - suffice to say that I know that hardware alone will never do it. Apple's retail experience, customer support, iTunes store, developer tools etc. all leave Android and others with a lot of work to do. But it is a nice phone, certainly. I also haven't been using the phone for voice, nor have I been syncing my emails and calendar with the phone... so this isn't a review by any stretch of the imagination.

There's a brand new update available for the Android OS, version 1.5 aka "Cupcake". My phone came with 1.1 and despite some prodding it wouldn't go ahead and upgrade itself. So I had to download the 1.5 updates and do it myself. That page is full of long and complicated explanations but basically you're just copying files, renaming them to and rebooting the phone, twice. (Mine got confused in the middle because it finally started to automatically update itself and I let it. If that happens just ignore it and continue with the manual process and everything should be fine.)

My main focus with tinkering with the phone has been to get the API demos running so I can get a sense for how easy it is to work with the Google MapView classes and also how much boilerplate code I need in order to load data over the network and draw pretty things with OpenGL. The Hello World tutorial worked straight away: if you have the phone plugged in it automatically installs your app and runs it on the device, if not then it fires up an emulator. Getting the API demos up and running was a little trickier because it involved importing the project from android-sdk-mac_x86-1.5_r1/platforms/android-1.5/samples/ApiDemos first, but it did work after I upgraded to Cupcake.

For the MapView to work you need to jump through some app signing hoops before you can get a Google Maps API key that will allow the device to load map tiles. The documentation is quite dense but if you're just playing around in Eclipse you can sign things with your debug key; in this case the API key signup page tells you what to do. Just be sure to log in with the same Google account you'll be using in the Android Marketplace, if you get that far.

Once I'd kicked the tyres with the demos I decided to jump straight in and try my hand at an app that loads data from a web service and displays it on a map. The learning curve was OK, here's a list of things I wish I'd known about before I started:

All in all it took me just over a day to get to the point where I felt confident that the phone was doing what I was telling it, and that there wasn't too much magic and surprise crashes were rare. The next thing I want to investigate is the OpenGL ES implementation, which I'm hoping is as slick as the iPhone's. I've been keeping a list of android links I think are worth reading at - let me know if there are any other neat/essential APIs in the Android universe that you think I should take a look at.