
13th April 2006 @ 3:36 pm
IM, Chat, Todo and Bots
Ben pointed me at JavaAIMbot. It's pretty neat, and does most of the things I wanted for chatbots for todo list management.
TomCardenUK: remember get a TV license JavaAIMBot: Reminder stored. TomCardenUK: remember tidy up before visitors arrive this weekend JavaAIMBot: Reminder stored. TomCardenUK: remember post lecturing invoice JavaAIMBot: Reminder stored. TomCardenUK: remind JavaAIMBot: Reminders: 1) get a TV license 2) tidy up before visitors arrive this weekend 3) post lecturing invoice TomCardenUK: forget 2 JavaAIMBot: Reminder removed. TomCardenUK: remind JavaAIMBot: Reminders: 1) get a TV license 2) post lecturing invoice
Now, if it backed onto a service like Basecamp which let me publish todo lists to the web, that would be really cool.