Design Engaged 2005

12th November 2005 @ 2:28 pm
People, Events, Design-Engaged and Notes
Composed in equal parts of heroes, friends and people to Google, Design Engaged in Berlin this weekend looks and sounds like it's been a whole lot of fun.

Technorati searches are looking a little anaemic so far, but Timo Arnall has the photos, Chris Heathcote has the buffets, Matt Jones has the snooping, Matt Webb has the notes, Caterina Fake has the people and Fiona Romeo has the women. Hoping to see more soon though.

I'm sad to have missed Eric Rodenbeck and Mike Migurski's talk "Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich? Wattenberg Wattenberg Wattenberg Wattenberg." (Matt Webb's notes). Guys, look me up if you ever come to London, please?